Fluent English Classroom

Introduction and Basic Greetings

Welcome to the Fluent English Classroom! We're thrilled to embark on this exciting journey of learning English together. In this English Lesson 1, we will delve into the fundamentals of the English language, focusing on "Introduction and Basic Greetings".

Why Learn English?

English has become the lingua franca of the world, connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds. Whether you're planning to travel, study abroad, or communicate effectively in an international business environment, mastering English opens doors to countless opportunities. At Fluent English Classroom, we believe that learning a language should be an enjoyable and enriching experience. So, let's get started with our first lesson!

Lesson 1: Introduction and Basic Greetings

In this lesson, we will cover the essential building blocks of language - greetings and introductions. These are the phrases you'll use most frequently when meeting new people or engaging in simple conversations.

1. Greetings:

Greeting someone appropriately is the first step in creating a positive impression. Here are some common greetings:

  • Hello
  • Hi
  • Hey
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening

2. Introducing Yourself:

Next, we'll learn how to introduce ourselves confidently. A basic self-introduction typically includes:

  • Your name: "Hi, I'm [Your Name]."
  • Your nationality: "I'm from [Your Country]."
  • Your profession or occupation: "I'm a [Your Profession/Job]."
  • A friendly gesture: "Nice to meet you!"

3. Asking Someone's Name:

When meeting someone new, you'll likely want to know their name. To do this politely, you can ask:

  • "What's your name?"
  • "May I know your name?"
  • "Could you tell me your name, please?"
4. Responding to Introductions:

When someone introduces themselves to you, it's courteous to respond and reciprocate the introduction:

  • "Nice to meet you too!"
  • "Pleased to meet you!"
  • "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

5. Farewells:

As conversations come to an end, saying goodbye politely is equally important:

  • Goodbye
  • Bye
  • See you later
  • Take care

Practice Time!

To help you practice these greetings and introductions, head over to our YouTube video titled "English Lesson 1: Introduction and Basic Greetings." You'll find interactive exercises and engaging role-plays to reinforce what you've learned. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Language is the key that unlocks doors to new experiences and friendships. By mastering basic greetings and introductions in English, you've taken a crucial step towards becoming a confident and effective communicator.

We hope you enjoyed Lesson 1 at Fluent English Classroom! Stay tuned for more exciting lessons, where we'll delve deeper into the English language, covering essential topics to enhance your language skills.

Keep learning, keep growing, and let's embark on this language learning journey together!

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Click the Youtube icon to watch the full animated video lesson: 



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